Wednesday, April 13, 2005

4DAILY.COM Review - Auto surf program

4 Daily is an autosurfing program, that pays you 4% of your principal amount daily, for surfing 40 sites. When you first sign up, you receive a $4 account to earn from. This account may be upgraded by depositing money, or earning money from surfing to upgrade. All users receive credits from surfing to use to have other users surf their sites.

4 Daily has a fairly good layout, and looks professional, and the autosurfer has been very stable for me. There is a 20 second page viewing time when surfing, so you can get your 40 sites surfed in less than 15 minutes. Since you can leave your computer while it is surfing, this short amount of time is only beneficial if you are paying for a dialup connection. The auto surfing is bug free, and easy to do. The one disadvantage to this program is they do not guarantee payment if the server is down, and you cannot do your surfing.

Customer service is mediocre at best at 4 Daily. They provide a contact form, but they take a while to reply. There is also a FAQ, but this cannot help you if you have a specific question. The only other way to get help is the forums, where other members may be able to provide assistance. 4 Daily need to be easier to contact for help if they want to attract new internet users.

The 4 Daily forums are a link to all the users of 4 Daily. These forums have few rules against negative comments, or anything for that matter. This provides a non censored environment, which is good for getting the truth, but can be a little daunting, and hard to find real information.

4 Daily was started October 2004 and has now been paying out on the 15th of every month for 6 months. So far it has been fairly stable, but with the high percentage, and no other businesses to support the payouts, it may not be around for ever. If you do upgrade your account, the upgrade only lasts for 50 days. This is not as long as other programs, so it may not be so good for long term earning.

Overall, 4 Daily has a good program for the moment and I would recommend joining now, before it is over. If you are going to upgrade, just remember it is not guaranteed so spend no more than you can afford.



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