Monday, May 16, 2005

Revenue for Clicks on Adsense

Saw this on , the Google Adsense Forum

| What you have to understand is that pricing per click on the same keyword varies from country to country, both for the merchant buying the click and for the person clicking on the ad. Merchants from any given country almost only always compete with merchants from the same country. It would be pointless to show an ad for an American computer network company to someone seeing the page in Pakistan, and the Pakistani merchant doesn't need Australians clicking on his ads either. He cannot serve them.

If you and I are both looking at the exact same page at the same moment, we are both going to see different ads. Ads that I click on will typically pay the publisher more than the ones that you click on.

If you want to grow your income, you have to take a look at is where your traffic is coming from. If your traffic is largely from the USA and so are your clicks, then this will be the highest paid traffic that there is. If it is coming from Pakistan, it's probably going to be amongst the lowest. As the amount of traffic and businesses use the Internet in Pakistan, Pakistani merchants will begin to pay more for ads and ads that are clicked on in Pakistan will net the publisher more. In the meantime, if you really want to pump up your income, aim for visitors from the USA, Europe, Japan, etc. |


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