Thursday, May 19, 2005

Get your RSS Feeds on Yahoo now !

Feed Updates on Yahoo!

Yahoo! lets users read RSS feeds directly on Yahoo! web pages (in My Yahoo! and elsewhere on Yahoo!). This means we can fetch your content once and update it simultaneously for all Yahoo! users. Yahoo! acts as a proxy for all our subscribers, lowering the bandwidth burden for content publishers like you.

Our self-scheduling software agent finds, categorizes, and periodically checks for updated RSS feeds (this is called "polling"). The agent adjusts the frequency of these checks based on a history of how often your content changes. Our "adaptive" polling ranges from every thirty minutes to no less than once a day, based on the frequency of updates. This helps ensure that your content updates efficiently, without wasting valuable bandwidth. Current refresh rates are established on a per-feed basis. Web sites that host content from multiple publishers may experience more traffic.

Pinging – to ensure that your latest post appears immediately, please notify us of your update (aka "ping"). You can do this manually by putting the following URL in the location bar of your browser with your RSS URL appended to it:[YOUR RSS URL]

Our system will then schedule an immediate refresh of your feed so Yahoo! has the most recent version. You can also do this programmatically by properly configuring your software. Our APIs currently support REST and XML-RPC. Click here for the APIs and examples.


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